Knowledge checks

Access network per-subscriber speeds.

Match the access network with the approximate speeds that a subscriber might experience. (Note: if you look these up, do so in the 8E textbook, slides,or video -- not in the 7E or earlier versions, since link access speeds are always increasing over the years).

Question List:
Answer List:
  1. Wireless. 10’s to 100’s of Mbps per device.

  2. Wired. Up to 1 Tbps per link.

  3. Wireless, up to 10's Kbps per device.

  4. Wired. Up to 10’s to 100’s of Mbps downstream per user.

  5. Wired. Up to 100's Gbps per link.

  6. Wireless. Up to 10’s Mbps per device.

  7. Wired. Up to 10’s of Mbps downstream per user.


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Link Transmission Characteristics.

Which of the following physical layer technologies has the highest transmission rate and lowest bit error rate in practice?


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We gratefully acknowledge the programming and problem design work of John Broderick (UMass '21), which has really helped to substantially improve this site.

Copyright © 2010-2021 J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross
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