Interactive end-of-chapter exercises

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Computing end-end delay (transmission and propagation delay)

Consider the figure below, with three links, each with the specified transmission rate and link length.

Assume the length of a packet is 8000 bits. The speed of light propagation delay on each link is 3x10^8 m/sec

Round your answer to two decimals after leading zeros

Question List

1. What is the transmission delay of link 1?

2. What is the propogation delay of link 1?

3. What is the total delay of link 1?

4. What is the transmission delay of link 2?

5. What is the propogation delay of link 2?

6. What is the total delay of link 2?

7. What is the transmission delay of link 3?

8. What is the propogation delay of link 3?

9. What is the total delay of link 3?

10. What is the total delay?


Link 1 transmission delay = L/R = 8000 bits / 10 Mbps = 0.0008 seconds

Link 1 propagation delay = d/s = ()1 Km) * 1000 / 3*10^8 m/sec = 3.33E-6 seconds

Link 1 total delay = d_t + d_p = 0.0008 seconds + 3.33E-6 seconds = 0.0008 seconds

Link 2 transmission delay = L/R = 8000 bits / 1 Mbps = 0.008 seconds

Link 2 propagation delay = d/s = ()5000 Km) * 1000 / 3*10^8 m/sec = 0.017 seconds

Link 2 total delay = d_t + d_p = 0.008 seconds + 0.017 seconds = 0.025 seconds

Link 3 transmission delay = L/R = 8000 bits / 1000 Mbps = 8.00E-6 seconds

Link 3 propagation delay = d/s = ()2 Km) * 1000 / 3*10^8 m/sec = 6.67E-6 seconds

Link 3 total delay = d_t + d_p = 8.00E-6 seconds + 6.67E-6 seconds = 1.47E-5 seconds

The total delay = d_L1 + d_L2 + d_L3 = 0.0008 seconds + 0.025 seconds + 1.47E-5 seconds = 0.025 seconds

That's incorrect

That's correct

The answer was: 0.0008

Question 1 of 10

The answer was: 3.33E-6

Question 2 of 10

The answer was: 0.0008

Question 3 of 10

The answer was: 0.008

Question 4 of 10

The answer was: 0.017

Question 5 of 10

The answer was: 0.025

Question 6 of 10

The answer was: 8.00E-6

Question 7 of 10

The answer was: 6.67E-6

Question 8 of 10

The answer was: 1.47E-5

Question 9 of 10

The answer was: 0.025

Question 10 of 10

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We gratefully acknowledge the programming and problem design work of John Broderick (UMass '21), which has really helped to substantially improve this site. The networking tutor was designed and implemented by Hashim Zia and Shayan Ahmad from New York University Abu Dhabi.

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