The links below will take you to end-of-chapter exercises where you'll be presented with an exercise whose solution can then be displayed (hopefully after you've solved the exercise yourself!). Each of the exercises below is similar to an end-of-chapter problem in the text. Most importantly, you can keep generating new instances of each exercise (and hopefully solving each one!) until you've mastered the material.
You may be interested in other supplemental material (online lectures, powerpoint slides, review questions, Wireshark labs) for our book, available here.
We're actively adding new problems here. If you've got any comments or suggestions - let us know at
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Circuit Switching
- Quantitative Comparison of Packet Switching and Circuit Switching (similar to Chapter 1, P8, P9)
- Car - Caravan Analogy
- One-hop Transmission Delay (similar to example on pg. 37)
- Queuing Delay
- End-to-End Delay (similar to Chapter 1, P10)
- End-to-End Throughput (similar to Chapter 1, P20, and Figure 1.20)
- The IP Stack and Protocol Layering
Chapter 2: Application Layer
- DNS - Basics
- DNS - Iterative vs Recursive Query
- DNS and HTTP delays (similar to Chapter 2, P7,P8)
- HTTP GET (similar to Chapter 2, P4)
- HTTP RESPONSE (similar to Chapter 2, P5)
- Browser Caching
- Electronic Mail and SMTP
- A comparison of client-server and P2P file distribution delays (similar to Chapter 2, P22)
Chapter 3: Transport Layer
- Internet checksum (similar to Chapter 3, P3 and P4)
- Reliable data transfer: rdt22
- Reliable data transfer: rdt30
- TCP sequence and ACK numbers, with segment loss (similar to Chapter 3, P27)
- TCP RTT and timeout (similar to Chapter 3, P31)
- TCP congestion window evolution (similar to Chapter 3, P40)
- TCP retransmissions (reliable data transmission with ACK loss)
- UDP Mux and Demux
- TCP Mux and Demux
Chapter 4: Network Layer: Data Plane
- Longest Prefix Matching (similar to Chapter 4, P8)
- Packet Scheduling (similar to Chapter 4, P6-7)
- Subnet Addressing (similar to Chapter 4, P15)
- Network Address Translation (similar to Chapter 4, P18)
- IPv6 Tunneling and Encapsulation
- Openflow Flow Tables (similar to Chapter 4, P20-22)
Chapter 5: Network Layer: Control Plane
- Dijkstra's Link State Algorithm (similar to Chapter 5, P3-5)
- Dijkstra's Link State Algorithm - Advanced
- Bellman Ford Distance Vector algorithm (similar to Chapter 5, P8)
Chapter 6: Link Layer
- Error Detection and Correction: Two Dimensional Parity (similar to Chapter 6, P1-P2)
- Error Detection and Correction: Cyclic Redundancy Check (similar to Chapter 6, P5-P6)
- Random Access Protocols: Aloha (similar to Chapter 6, P8-P9)
- Random Access Protocols: Collisions
- Link Layer (and network layer) addressing, forwarding (similar to Chapter 6, P15)
- Learning Switches - Basic
- Learning Switches - Advanced
Chapter 7: Wireless and Mobile Networks