Retired Material

As authors, we always strive to ensure that each new edition of our book reflects a modern, up-to-date treatment of computer networks, and does so as a manageably-sized textbook. This means we've sometimes had to "retire" (i.e., remove) material on entire topics as we move from one edition to the next, even though that retired material was still relevant. Occasionally, instructors and students have asked us for access to this retired material. Thus, in the table below, we provide PDFs of topics that were retired when we moved to the next edition of our book.

Edition Topics removed when moving to the next edition
8th edition Web caching (PDF, PPT), P2P Networking (PDF, PPT), CDMA (PDF, PPT), 4G cellular networks (PDF, PPT), Mobile IP (PDF, PPT).
7th edition 2G and 3G cellular networks (PDF, PPT), Multimedia Networking, Chapter 9 (Note some multimedia networking material has been moved into Chapters 2 and 4 in the 8th edition onwards) (PDF, PPT).
6th edition FTP (PDF, PPT), Distributed Hash Tables (PDF, PPT), ATM ABR congestion control (PDF, PPT), IP multicast and broadcast (PDF, PPT).
5th edition Socket programming with Java (PDF, PPT), the PPP Point-to-point Protocol (PDF, PPT), Audio and Video Compression, Protocols for Real-Time Interactive Applications (RTP, RTCP, SIP, H.323), Multiple classes of service, QoS, Intserv, Diffserv, RSVP (PDF, PPT).
4th edition Searching for information in a P2P network, link virtualization: ATM and MPLS.

We gratefully acknowledge the programming and problem design work of John Broderick (UMass '21), which has really helped to substantially improve this site. The networking tutor was designed and implemented by Hashim Zia and Shayan Ahmad from New York University Abu Dhabi.

Copyright © 2010-2025 J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross
Comments welcome and appreciated: